Our company handles a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, food processing, nutraceuticals, agriculture, water and soil management, medical devices, packaging, electrical equipment, and environmental health and safety. Services to other sectors will be resumed shortly.
Our platform functions solely as a means of communication between analytical service providers and service seekers. We do not engage in any form of analysis ourselves. We enable service providers to offer quotes based on the requirements registered by service seekers.
The Solution Analytics will not interfere in the communications & negotiations between a service seeker and a service provider. Additional services related to technical review are available. Please contact us for same on support@thesolutionanalytics.com
The subscription plan is available for different periods. Please refer the subscription section for further information. Currently, the portal is providing all its services without any cost.
Registration can be completed in less than a minute; simply click the link provided.
Service Provider Registration
Service Seeker Registration